Laura Powell Jillian Blackbeard Philippe Moreau Pia Louw

Brave New World: How Destinations can effectively extend their seasonality.

A Talk by Philippe Moreau , Jillian Blackbeard , Pia Louw and Laura Powell

About this Talk

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26 November 2020, 02:05 PM

02:05 PM - 03:05 PM

About The Speakers

Philippe Moreau

Philippe Moreau

Founder and CEO, GreenerAct

Hotel Development I Sustainable Tourism I Social Entrepreneur

Jillian Blackbeard

Jillian Blackbeard

CEO, The Victoria Falls Regional Association

Pia Louw

Pia Louw

Travel Industry Director, Turismo de Tenerife

Laura Powell

Laura Powell

Wellness Industry Consultant and Journalist