Jillian Blackbeard

CEO, The Victoria Falls Regional Association

About this speaker

Jillian's passion lies in Africa Tourism and Conservation, she has been leading the industry for over 10 years specifically marketing, first for a Southern African hotel and resort chain, followed by 5 years at director for marketing and product development at Botswana Tourism Organisation, followed by Director for Africa for The World Travel and Tourism Association. She is now the CEO of Africa's Eden Tourism Association, the first purely private sector driven organisation representing the entire KAZA region and adjacent wildlife areas(Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) which is undertaking an ambition destination marketing strategy and campaign at all levels of the tourism supply chain. Jillian's passions extend to conversation, managing the Tlhokomela Endangered Wildlife Trust for 5 years and continues to support projects that link tourism with conservation. Over the past years she has spoken at international conferences and events on the importance of Intra-African Travel and opportunities and challenges for the sector across the African continent.


Brave New World: How Destinations can effectively extend their seasonality.

26 November 2020, 02:05 PM
Laura Powell Jillian Blackbeard Philippe Moreau Pia Louw