Pia Louw

Travel Industry Director, Turismo de Tenerife

About this speaker

Pia Louw - Travel Industry Director for Tenerife Tourism Corporation, with 25 years plus of experience in the tourism sector. Danish of nationality grew up in Tenerife, thankful to her parent’s bohemian lifestyle of the 70’s, bringing her out to grow up in Tenerife.

My ambition for business in tourism started with my professional training in Denmark - Copenhagen with a diploma in hospitality at Reception/Front Desk department followed by additional all-round training in Switzerland in Lugano. I started my professional career at the SAS Radisson Falkoner, in Copenhagen, in the reception area, shortly after starting, I changed to the Reservations Department as Space Controller, which introduced me to reservation management, yield management, groups and negotiation. I discovered my vocation for statistics, for negotiation and marketing. I returned to Tenerife, I started my career path within the top 5 * hotels in the sales and marketing. For the past 10 years my knowledge and experience it to design, promote and delivery a complex sales strategy for the national tourist board networking with the tourism industry: turoperators, OTA’s, airlines and, travel agencies.


Brave New World: How Destinations can effectively extend their seasonality.

26 November 2020, 02:05 PM
Philippe Moreau Jillian Blackbeard Laura Powell Pia Louw